LOT 84 MUNGALLA 4432 (PP) D4
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DATE OF BIRTH 01/10/2021 |
BRAND M 4432 |
AGE 25 months |
Visual Horn Polled |
DNA Horn PP |
SC (cm) 36.5 |
Semen Mot % 60 |
Semen Morph % 87 |
Weight 770 |
EMA 124 |
P8 7 |
Rib 5 |
IMF % 3.5 |
Farnham Redman (P) D5 |
Mungalla Totem (P) D5 |
Mungalla 339 (P) D5 |
S: Mungalla Edgar (P) D5 |
Mungalla Rick (P) D5 |
Mungalla 1013 (P) D5 |
Mungalla 158 (P) D5 |
MUNGALLA 4432 (PP) D4 |
Mungalla Tobasco (P) D2 |
Mungalla Acton (P) D3 |
Mungalla 158 (P) D5 |
D: Mungalla 2098 (P) D3 |
Wolfang Flange (P) D5 |
Mungalla 1206 (P) D2 |
Mungalla 742 (P) D1 |
Mungalla Edgar has a total progeny earnings of over $330,000.
Edgar's son, Mungalla 4480 topped the sale in 2023 selling for $30,000. His 2 sons, Mungalla 3243 and Mungalla 3310 both sold for $24,000 at MAGS 2020 and he has produced a number of other MAGS progeny in his time. A number of his daughters have been retained and are top breeders. His dam, Mungalla 1013 was a donor in the 2020 IVF program.
Edgar has 3 son's in this year's sale.

This cow has produced several MAGS bulls – one that was sold in 2021 for $12,000 and Mungalla 3937 sold in 2022. She is the mother of the foundation cow for Alrose Stud and is the grandmother of an Alrose bull that was sold via paddock sale for $6000. Her daughter, Mungalla 3048 was a donor cow for the 2020 IVF program. Her sire has produced a number of MAGS bulls over the years.