LOT 126 MUNGALLA 4436 (PP) D4
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DATE OF BIRTH 01/11/2021 |
BRAND M 4436 |
AGE 24 months |
Visual Horn Polled |
DNA Horn PP |
SC (cm) 37.5 |
Semen Mot % 60 |
Semen Morph % 91 |
Weight 728 |
EMA 136 |
P8 9 |
Rib 7 |
IMF % 4.6 |
Mungalla Natural (P) D5 |
Mungalla Todman (P) D5 |
Mungalla 072 (P) D5 |
S: Mungalla Classic (P) D3 |
Wolfang Flange (P) D5 |
Mungalla 1200 (P) D2 |
Mungalla 737 (P) D1 |
MUNGALLA 4436 (PP) D4 |
Mungalla Tempo (P) D5 |
Mungalla Bomber (P) D3 |
Mungalla 713 (P) D2 |
D: Mungalla 2926 (P) D3 |
Mungalla Ringo (P) D4 |
Mungalla 1017 (P) D2 |
Mungalla 737 (P) D1 |
This impact sire has earned over $360,000 for Mungalla stud over the years. Many of his sons and grandsons have been sold through MAGS and both, Mungalla 3688 and 3920 sold for $28,000 at MAGS 2021 and 2022 respectively. He is represented directly this year by 6 of his sons (Lots 17, 29, 116, 121, 123, 128) and 12 grandsons, an impressive feat.
Mungalla 2926 (P) D3 has had two registered calves and is by Mungalla Bomber who has an exceptional temperament, great length & underline. She is PTIC in 2023.