LOT 108 MUNGALLA 4350 (PP) D2
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DATE OF BIRTH 01/10/2021 |
BRAND M 4350 |
AGE 25 months |
SALE PRICE $5,000 |
Visual Horn Polled |
DNA Horn PP |
SC (cm) 39.5 |
Semen Mot % 60 |
Semen Morph % 83 |
Weight 822 |
EMA 126 |
P8 13 |
Rib 10 |
IMF % 5.8 |
Glenlands Impale (P) D5 |
Lamont Influx (S) D2 |
Lamont 99 (P) D1 |
S: Lamont Pablo (P) D3 |
Strathfield Wizdom (P) D2 |
Lamont 351 (P) D3 |
Lamont Image (P) D3 |
MUNGALLA 4350 (PP) D2 |
Droughtmaster Bull |
D: Mungalla 2117 (P) D1 |
Droughtmaster Cow |
Lamont Pablo was purchased from Mac & Gayle Shann of Lamont Stud. He has a total progeny earnings of over $320,000, having produced a number of well priced MAGS bulls including Mungalla 4160 who sold for $42,500 at the 2022 sale.
Pablo is by Lamont Influx, an influential sire for Mac & Gayle who will have other grandsons in this year's sale as well under the Lamont banner.
This year he has 3 sons in the sale and Mungalla has retained a number of his daughters. Pablo has 132 registered progeny.
This cow is another great example of the strong fertility attributes in the Mungalla herd. She has produced 9 calves in 10 years. Her son, Mungalla 3993, sold at MAGS 2022 for $18,000.