LOT 106 MUNGALLA 4435 (PP) D5
View Pedigree | |
View Certificate |
DATE OF BIRTH 01/10/2021 |
BRAND M 4435 |
AGE 25 months |
Visual Horn Polled |
DNA Horn PP |
SC (cm) 36 |
Semen Mot % 80 |
Semen Morph % 84 |
Weight 752 |
EMA 134 |
P8 14 |
Rib 10 |
IMF % 4.3 |
Farnham Redman (P) D5 |
Mungalla Totem (P) D5 |
Mungalla 339 (P) D5 |
S: Mungalla Edgar (P) D5 |
Mungalla Rick (P) D5 |
Mungalla 1013 (P) D5 |
Mungalla 158 (P) D5 |
MUNGALLA 4435 (PP) D5 |
Mungalla Void (P) D2 |
Mungalla Excellent (P) D3 |
Mungalla 1681 (H) D5 |
D: Mungalla 2905 (P) D4 |
Mungalla Token (P) D2 |
Mungalla 1407 (P) D3 |
Mungalla 859 (P) D2 |
Mungalla Edgar has a total progeny earnings of over $330,000.
Edgar's son, Mungalla 4480 topped the sale in 2023 selling for $30,000. His 2 sons, Mungalla 3243 and Mungalla 3310 both sold for $24,000 at MAGS 2020 and he has produced a number of other MAGS progeny in his time. A number of his daughters have been retained and are top breeders. His dam, Mungalla 1013 was a donor in the 2020 IVF program.
Edgar has 3 son's in this year's sale.
This cow is sired by Mungalla Excellent and has produced 3 calves in 3 years. One of her sons, Mungalla 3927, sold at MAGS 2022 for $12,000.