View Pedigree | |
DATE OF BIRTH 23/07/2021 |
BRAND MA 1517 |
AGE 27 months |
SALE PRICE $26,000 |
Visual Horn Polled |
DNA Horn PP |
SC (cm) 42 |
Semen Mot % 90 |
Semen Morph % 83 |
Weight 886 |
EMA 150 |
P8 12 |
Rib 10 |
IMF % 5.2 |
S: |
Redskin Shogun (D) D3 |
Strathfield Wizdom (P) D2 |
Strathfield Rouge (P) D1 |
D: Lamont 344 (P) D3 |
Vale View Magnum (P) D5 |
Lamont Hibiscus (P) D5 |
Lamont 73 (P) D5 |
Lamont Victus is a bull that really packs a punch, has an incredible underline, a homozygous polled bull (PP) and has impressive scanning figures. He is an IVF son of Lamont Stud’s top female in Lamont 344. She is big, fleshy and feminine cow that has 10 calves in 10 consecutive years, and 2 IVF calves, 12 in total. She has been an outstanding producer and Lamont Stud has retained a son from her 2020 drop in Lamont Umpire (PP).
Victus is by beautiful young sire Lamont retained in Lamont Supreme, who was tragically lost in 2022 as 4yr old.
Lamont 344 has been Lamont Stud's top producing cow. She is big, fleshy feminine cow that passes this on to her progeny. She has 10 calves in 10 consecutive years, and 2 IVF calves, 12 in total. The photo of her was taken when she was rising 13 years old.