LOT 39 LAMONT 1545 (P) (PP) D3
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View Pedigree | |
DATE OF BIRTH 03/08/2021 |
AGE 27 months |
SALE PRICE $5,000 |
Visual Horn Polled |
DNA Horn PP |
SC (cm) 40 |
Semen Mot % 85 |
Semen Morph % 56 |
Weight 876 |
EMA 128 |
P8 12 |
Rib 8 |
IMF % 4.7 |
Glenlands Maxamillion (P) D5 |
Glenlands D Rambo (P) D5 |
Glenlands D 10/1587 (P) D5 |
S: Waringle Bonus (IVF) (P) (AI) D5 |
Glenlands Maranoa (P) D5 |
Waringle Naomi (ET) (P) (AI) D5 |
Waringle Letitia (ET) (P) (AI) D5 |
LAMONT 1545 (P) (PP) D3 |
Droughtmaster Bull |
D: Lamont 645 (P) D2 APP |
Droughtmaster Cow |
In 2018 Lamont Stud purchased 2 embryo full brothers at the Rockhampton National Sale.
$40,000 was outlaid for Waringle Bonus, a beautiful bull with bone, body and temperament.
Waringle Bonus’ first crop of calves hit the ground at the end of 2019. He is out of Glenlands Naomi, who Waringle have successfully embryoed many times, and he is by the Glenlands sire Glenlands D Rambo.